Dr. Robert Michaels announced publication of his book*, titled Civics and Science: Contemporary Issues for Civil Democracy. The scientist-author explores, in a strictly non-partisan manner, the nexus between civics and science, identifying contemporary issues of critical importance for American democracy.  The book promotes objective, clear thinking toward evidence-based decision making in a range of important issue areas.  Dr. Michaels is a politically unaffiliated observer of politics.  His analysis is rigorous, and his writing engaging and personal.

The Amazon Kindle edition book (price $4.99) is available at the url below. Please consider reviewing the book and sharing this press release widely.

*Suggested citation:

Michaels, Robert A. Civics and Science: Contemporary Issues for Civil Democracy. United States, Kindle Direct, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BF175BN9/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2U6QC7HPZ5H0D&keywords=Civics+and+Science&qid=1663007453&s=books&sprefix=civics+and+science%2Cstripbooks%2C71&sr=1-4, print length 415 pages, 11 September 2022.